Many women suffer in silence and think they need to just learn to deal with their menopausal symptoms. With a focus on science and evidence based guidelines, you can get the care you need to feel your best. Dr. Menn is licensed in multiple states and you can work with her in a variety of ways.
See Dr. Menn in her private telehealth practice for patients in NY, CT, VT, FL. If you do not live in these states, Dr. Menn can instead do a patient education & health coaching consults.
You can also see Dr. Menn or one of her excellent colleagues on Alloy, a women's health telehealth platform for menopause care and access to FDA approved options for HRT and more.
Are you a clinician looking for professional education and want to work with Dr. Menn? Are you a patient wanting to educate yourself about menopause? Check out Dr. Menn's course offerings !
A contemporary, evidenced based approach to menopause
Dr. Menn has a special interest in menopause management and has dedicated a significant amount of her practice to helping women deal with this transition. Dr. Menn is a Menopause Society Certified Practitioner and frequent speaker & educator on menopause for fellow physicians. After going through premature menopause herself, Dr. Menn took the time to become educated on the nuances of caring for perimenopausal and menopausal women. She found that many women were not getting the care they really needed from their own doctors. Dr. Menn believes that menopause is an excellent time to "pause" and take a deep look into your health and self care. There is not a one size fits all approach to menopause management and Dr. Menn takes an integrative and holistic approach. Dr. Menn can help patients manage hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia , mood changes, sexual dysfunction, weight changes, breast health and more.
A menopause consultation includes:
Thoughtful and detailed history
Review of symptoms
Risk assessment for cardiovascular, breast and bone health using evidence based standardized risk assessment tools
Conversation about a patient's priorities and how symptoms are affecting her quality of life
Review of her most recent pap and hpv testing and most recent mammogram ( patient can upload reports to the patient portal)
This is followed by a detailed plan of action, which includes:
Recommend lifestyle, exercise and nutrition plan
Supplements as recommended
Prescriptions if needed for hormone replacement therapy, vaginal hormones, or non-hormonal medications
Extensive patient education material, including summaries of risk assessments
Coordination with her primary care doctor or gynecologist as needed